The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102053   Message #2066392
Posted By: bubblyrat
02-Jun-07 - 06:06 AM
Thread Name: Did you go to Bude?
Subject: RE: Did you go to Bude?
Bude was fantastic !! I love cooking, and was able to try out several dishes on Kevin, Lucy,Amber,Tamsyn,Annie, George and Vanessa, not to mention the REAL "Hawker" who is, literally ,a dog !! Conversing in DUTCH ( not Greek ! ) with George ( PAPA--HUH--YAIR--ISS , apparently----Try it !! ) and Vanessa was an unexpected but gratifyingly surreal experience,as was being told by Geordie-Peorgie ( Naval Airman (Aircraft Handler ) Wilson, G. ) that I, Bubblyrat,( Radio Electrical Mechanic (Air) Mills, R.)was the inspiration for him to buy a guitar and become a "folkie" !! It must have been the climate in Singapore in 1967, as George and I were there at around the same time as one or two other, less well known, performers ,ie David Stanley, Johnny Collins,Tom Lewis, & Terry (Leadfingers) Silver !!( And 'Old Father Ted', of course ). The climate wasn"t so good in either Bude or Stratton--the word "inclement" springs,indeed hurtles,to mind,but that minor inconvenience was more than compensated for by the "climate" in the Tree and Falcon Hotels, both noteworthy for their musically-active landlords !! I felt that an Irishman playing Scottish pipes with a Cornish flag on was also a bit surreal, as was staying in the house of a militant Cornishwoman who was born in Africa, and has a 3-legged cat, a Gay dog,a VERY militant Cornish husband who plays bhodran better than most Irishman can,and a daughter who is totally obsessed with the George Paperverdigrease song " Watermelon Seeds " !!!-----But then it was /IS that kind of festival !!