The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101944   Message #2067084
Posted By: Surreysinger
03-Jun-07 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: Strictly Come Folk Dancing?
Subject: RE: Strictly Come Folk Dancing?
I was mentioned?? And I missed it! I heard the words "Morris dancers" at the end of something while I was in another room of the house,(well, in the bath, to be precise) but not the whole thing. Must go away to see if its on Replay.
In my email I made the point that the piece itself had been good and well balanced, but made the point that it was a shame that the general in studio merriment which had been encouraged afterwards detracted from the positive etc etc.

On the whole, I certainly do agree with John and Diane that the programme is a good one (but not as good as the late lamented predecessor), and I enjoy listening to it.