The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102144   Message #2067251
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Jun-07 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
I've seen thousands of them in the past month, and killed a couple of hundred at least. I find that as long as I don't scratch the bites at all then they are no big problem. They itch for a couple of minutes, that's all.

When the dachshunds go outside they are followed around by a cloud of mosquitoes, but it doesn't seem to bother them much. I don't know if the mosquitoes are succeeding in biting them or not, but they're certainly trying to.

They also attempt to bite the lawnmower after it's warmed up.

Someone should invent a device that beheads them all within a radius of one hundred yards by using ultrasound or something like that.