The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102005   Message #2068566
Posted By: Tootler
04-Jun-07 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: morality of collecting
Subject: RE: morality of collecting
Jim Carroll wrote

Do I believe that the re-issuing of the Walter Pardon, John Maguire, George Dunne, Cecilia Costello, Charlie Wills and Lincolnshire albums et al will help the present revival come to terms with the tradition? – Answer; would it were that simple.

It may not be practical or financially worthwhile re-issuing recordings of these singers, but what about the Internet?

I use the Farne website from time to time and they have a large number of soundclips there which I find interesting as you can learn about the playing styles of many of instrumentalists who are contemporaries of the singers listed above.

The younger generation are just as likely to go to the internet for recordings as they are to buy CDs. A great advantage of the internet is that you can listen to individual recordings and download those you want to keep.