The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102194   Message #2068853
Posted By: John MacKenzie
05-Jun-07 - 04:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Poland & Czech Rep. #1 targets now.
Subject: RE: BS: Poland & Czech Rep. #1 targets now.
I just think that living in an island where about 6 nuclear bombs would finish us off, as opposed to living on a large land mass like the USA where your chances of survival are much higher gives you a different perspective on this problem.
There was a story about the US contemplating a scenario where battlefield nuclear weapons would be used in a European battle. Now that sort of 'distance lends enchantment to the view' sort of thinking, scares the poop out of me.
As Kendall said, remember the Cuban Missile Crisis, and imagine how you would feel if you were in the shoes of the inhabitants of these ex Soviet bloc country's citizens, with a primary target in your backyard.
At least I know that I am not alone in my fear of the messianic zeal of Messrs Bush and Blair now.