The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102194   Message #2069662
Posted By: Don Firth
05-Jun-07 - 10:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poland & Czech Rep. #1 targets now.
Subject: RE: BS: Poland & Czech Rep. #1 targets now.
Some people live in a world of constant fear. And for some strange reason, they seem to enjoy it there.

Who, I wonder, is going to start this theoretical nuclear worldwide catalclysm? Who's going to launch this theoretical IRBM at which European city, and why? Have we any plans to attempt to forestall such a thing with deplomacy and negotiation should it actually seem imminent? Of course not. That sort of thing just isn't in George W. Bush's book. He's a "wartime president." After all, he said so!

Don Firth