The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102194 Message #2069766
Posted By: Barry Finn
06-Jun-07 - 04:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Poland & Czech Rep. #1 targets now.
Subject: RE: BS: Poland & Czech Rep. #1 targets now.
This is a time for aggressive nations to raise a red flag warning, to call for arms & to expand & spend on it's military might after all we gorillia's haven't had our fill of breast beating yet. Bush needs to compete with the world after losing so badly at home & abroad & he fully intends to rise the head of another cold war. This move was intentional well knowing what Russia's reaction would be, what else would Russia do? We needed those defensive condoms like we needed a new cold war! This move is just what the doctor ordered for this administration & any fool that wants to back it is just fool that's been taken for the second idiot ride, remember WMD's & the war that followed, well here comes another brought to you by the same folks that brought you the last one & whose swallowing it again? Hook, line & sinker? Those same fools that swallowed the last one! I can't believe what some people will go for, time & time again, "When Will They Ever Learn, When Will They Ever Learn"?
When will some one try to use a little common sense & just once make a move that's in the direction of developing a peaceful & trusting relationship with other nations. I can't think of one nation that I'd consider a friend to the US, sure we have allies & those that we can threaten of have over a barrrel, even our neighbors Canada & Mexico would not consider us friends, partners or associates but not friends! Where in the world are our priorities, where the fuck do our leaders want to take us & how are they gonna take us into the future when it's looking more & more like we don't or won't have a future? With no friends & the number of those hating us, not to mention the growing list of enemies it's not a matter of 10 missiles or a few getting through it's more a matter of watching & waiting until the undeniable happens & the rest of the world saying good to be rid of the bastards, never cared for the way they did buiness anyway. We are becoming bad trash, not worth the saving. Putting missiles on Russia's doorstep was not the stupidest thing we've done but it's right up there with the rest.
Please, to except this move is to except the next invite to war that Bush will send down the pike. This is an invite to battle!