The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20002   Message #206988
Posted By: Amos
05-Apr-00 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: Making Mudcat Accessible
Subject: RE: Making Mudcat Accessible
These features are also built into Macs, right out of the box, and similar aids can be set up for those who know the keyboard well, as most blind computer users do. Macs will also read their displays to you depending on user settings, and can be programmed to accept voice commands with very little work. Especially if someone knows a little scripting, the computer could be set up without much trouble to accept a verbal command to "Open Mudcat", and would go to the site. Other verbal commands such as "Read ten threads" "Open thread 3" and "Read contents" could be made to work as well. It would take some familiarity with Applescript.

Finally, IBM provides a voice interface which works on both Windows and late-model (G3 or above) Macs called ViaVoice which comes with a headset and microphone enabling the user to dictate text and commands in various programs. I am not sure what would be required to adapt it to a specialized use such as this but it could be done.