The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20045   Message #206994
Posted By: Amos
05-Apr-00 - 10:38 AM
Thread Name: Req: Five hundred miles away from home (Bare)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Five hundred miles away from home
This tune, done differently by the infamous PP and M, also has a French version with different lyrics. I am not sure of the provenance of it, but from the sound of it is just an adaptation of the PPM hit. It goes, in part:

Je pouvais t'imaginer
Toute seule, abandonée,
Sur le quai, dans le cahu des au revoirs

Et j'entends siffler le train
J'entends siffler le train,
Comme c'est triste un train qui siffle
Dans le soir.

Rough translation:

I could imagine you, alone and abandoned
In the chaos of farewells on the platform
And I hear that train whistle blow,
And I hear that train whistle blow,
And the whistle in the evening seems so sad.

Rhymes better in French!