The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102194   Message #2070434
Posted By: Ebbie
06-Jun-07 - 10:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poland & Czech Rep. #1 targets now.
Subject: RE: BS: Poland & Czech Rep. #1 targets now.

"IMO, those who advocate actions ( or lack of them) that can easily lead to nuclear war (whether they INTEND it, or not) should be called on their willingness to risk large numbers of human lives, and perhaps the survival of the species." Bearded Bruce

Bruce, you are assuming that YOUR opinion on counteracting the risk is worth more than anybody else's. Keep in mind that there are people- people with good brains, people who have studied these situations, people with experience in diplomacy and accountability - who do not share your opinion.

People who are terribly sure of the rightness of their opinions are scary people. I would far rather keep asking questions than persist in requiring everybody to come to the same conclusion as me. Or you.