The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101817   Message #2070565
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
07-Jun-07 - 04:53 AM
Thread Name: 42 days to no smoking (UK)
Subject: RE: 42 days to no smoking (UK)
I have said many times in this thread that had it not been for 'militant' smokers, or more likely the tobacco companies, who insisted on the right to smoke whenever and wherever they please we would not have been in this situation. Go in many old pubs etc and you will see that they have a 'smoking room' - Our folk club is in one! My Grandad remembered the days where you went into a seperate room to smoke up to and after WW1. Had that have continued the ban would not have been necessary but after years of forcing the people who do not smoke to breath in the fumes all you are seeing is a 'backlash'. Beside which I think you will find that smokers are now in a minority and for the minority to dictate what the majority does is rather unfair don't you think?

I am an ex-smoker btw but I am far from 'anti'. In our club room many people smoke and I can honestly say that it very rarely affects me in any way. I lost my sense of smell years ago so I don't even notice that! I would have been more than happy to have some premises, or seperate parts of premises, set aside for smoking but because no-one seemed to be willing to make that compromise I will support the ban. Within a two mile radius of where I live there must be over 20 pubs clubs and bars. Not a single one of them had a no smoking area. Most of them had a sticker, provided by the tobacco companies, stating 'Smoking Policy - Smoking allowed everywhere on these premises'. There was not a single place where I could take my wife, who IS seriously affected by smoke, for a drink within walking distance. Sorry but if smokers want to take the hard line then they have to expect a hard-line response.

As to the 'Nanny State' and 'Nazi' comments that have been passed in the thread. Fair enough. Those are your views. But if you don't want any state intervention at all would you be happy for people to drive with no insurance? How about opening your windows so those that enjoy burglary can act unimpeded? Paedophiles believe that their pastime is enjoyable. And it kills far fewer people than tobacco smoke ever did. Should we get rid of legislation against that as well? Cock fighting? Bear Baiting? I strongly suspect that you enjoy the benefits of legislation created by our 'Nazi Nannies'. Until it impinges on your own little pleasures that is.

