The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102194   Message #2070839
Posted By: beardedbruce
07-Jun-07 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poland & Czech Rep. #1 targets now.
Subject: RE: BS: Poland & Czech Rep. #1 targets now.

Good idea!


"People who are terribly sure of the rightness of their opinions are scary people."

I agree. Al Gore, Moore, Hillary Clinton, Pelosi, and a number of people posting here come to mind. I wonder why THEY don't need to be reminded of the fact?

"Bruce, you are assuming that YOUR opinion on counteracting the risk is worth more than anybody else's. Keep in mind that there are people- people with good brains, people who have studied these situations, people with experience in diplomacy and accountability - who do not share your opinion."

I am aware of that- hence the IMO. But there are "people- people with good brains, people who have studied these situations, people with experience in diplomacy and accountability - who do share (my) opinion."

And around HERE, I am far more experienced with SDIO and ballistic missle defense than almost all of those posting.

I was UMPAC system manager for LACE, Mission Ops for RME, Data Manager for Clementine and MSTI-3, ond worked on EO-1, the civilian multispectral s/c. ( Warfighter went in the drink, Nemo was never launched. So, I have a slight understanding of the basics.

You will note that I hardly ever tell musicians they are wrong about musical topics, as THAT is not my field of expertise.