The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102271   Message #2071027
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Jun-07 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Subject: RE: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Oh, here's something I do which seems to bug most other drivers around here...

I leave a safe distance between me and the car I am following! I do not tailgate.

This pisses off at least 75% of the people around me on the highway who feel that they may arrive at their destination a fraction of a second later if they are not a mere three or four feet behind the vehicle directly ahead of them. (And they may not be able to read the little tiny letters on the guy's bumper that say "If you can read this you're too fucking close!") So they give me a frustrated look, pull into the left lane, surge ahead, and whip in to the safety zone I have left between me and the car ahead of me...whereupon I ease up on the throttle ever so slightly, and let them draw as to regain my safety zone.

Within 20 seconds or less, someone else behind me is irritated by the very same thing, and reacts in the very same way.

And so it goes.

If anything unexpected happens, these people can expect to be peeled off the vehicle ahead of them like a fly off a windshield, because they will have no time to react, and no space left to react in. They clearly do not expect anything unexpected is ever going to happen. Not to them. Maybe someone else, but not them.

I try to avoid clumps of these compulsive tailgaters and find an empty space on the road where I am alone. I derive no sense of security from being part of a multi-lane pack, but I must assume that many other drivers do, from what I have seen. Perhaps they feel that they can best get where they are going by letting the person directly ahead lead the way for them, and staying right close to his bumper at all times so they don't lose sight of him?