The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102269   Message #2071196
Posted By: Folkiedave
08-Jun-07 - 04:47 AM
Thread Name: Plastic glasses in pubs (UK)
Subject: RE: Plastic glasses in pubs (UK)
By frosted, I mean encased in a layer of ice. Of course, that does help some of the mass-produced American beers!

American beer is sold cold to distinguish it from gnat's piss. :-)

Having said that in the twice I have been visited America I was lucky enough to taste some really good craft beers both in Oregon - where it seems to be a major industry - and Pennsylvania where my hosts went to a great deal of trouble to find beers they thought I might like.

And served in glasses.

I am sure the problem is outside drinking. But as far as violence is concerned surely bottles are just as dangerous and there seems to be no restrictions on people drinking out of them outside.