The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102271   Message #2071212
Posted By: JennyO
08-Jun-07 - 05:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Subject: RE: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Oh yes - I forgot to mention. I know the location of all the red light cameras in Sydney - one of the street directories, the UBD, has them all marked.

I also know where most of the fixed speed cameras are in the places I go to regularly. They are marked with several signs on the road leading up to them. There was talk about changing that, so that people didn't know where they were, but that idea was knocked on the head - the idea being that at least people slow down on the road when they see them. It's quite funny to see what looks like a funeral procession going past those cameras, with the cars suddenly speeding up again as soon as they are past them. I don't think they help much, because many drivers, like me, know where they are, and only get slowed down for a while.

They probably manage to raise more revenue with the hand-held radar cameras because there is an element of surprise, but we often get a warning, because cars coming the other way who have seen the camera often flash their headlights to warn us. I think that is illegal, but I doubt whether they have actually charged anyone for doing that. As far as I can see, it's mostly a revenue raising exercise anyway, so I'm kinda cynical about it all.

I know I'm driving safely, but I can't do much about the idiots, and there's never a policeman around when you really need one. We get boy racer types around here who chuck wheelies around our roundabout and scream up and down the road in their hotted up cars every weekend, but try to get a policeman here in time to catch them? you must be joking! They'll take a report and then nothing happens. The yahoos are back again the next day or the next weekend, because they know nobody is going to catch them.