The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101717   Message #2071587
Posted By: Alio
08-Jun-07 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: Last Four Fools Folk Festival (UK)
Subject: RE: Last Four Fools Folk Festival (UK)
Only just returned to Mudcat again - another spell in hospital! I've been in that often that I recognised the ward cleaner had a new hairstyle! How sad is that?

This year's Saddleworth will be quite special hopefully as it's our 10th birthday, and the Festival CD looks - and sounds - brilliant! All the tracks have been donated by artists - local, national and international (all of whom have appeared at least once at the festival).

I'll be finishing this year - I've promised my children that I'll try to do a bit less - but the festival will go on I'm sure. The committee is now quite large, so there are plenty to take on the jobs.

But back to Four Fools - I know how hard it is to keep the energy going, but really hope that it won't be the last.
