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Thread #102279   Message #2071602
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Jun-07 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Worst TV shows ever?
Subject: RE: BS: Worst TV shows ever?
I particularly like Greg B.'s list. ;-) Couldn't agree more.

As for Star Trek, I expected it to show up on this list and I understand why. It was one of those shows that was both good and bad at the same time, depending on from what angle you considered it. I mean, it ranged from highly imaginative and innovative (at the time) to downright hilariously bad in some episodes and in some respects....depending. The original show seems a whole lot sillier now than it did back then. Anyway, I'm sure Mr Shatner is tickled pick by the visceral emotions he has managed to stir in those of you who have given your worthy opinion here. ;-)

My feeling is that much of the stuff that is showing up on mainstream TV now is probably so dreadful that it surpasses any attempt at even describing how dreadful it is. Incomprehensibly bad. Therefore I do not really regret missing the last 20 years of TV programming in the least...

"In the U.K. we have a plague of gay men as television presenters."

Really? That's odd. I wonder why? Perhaps it's a union thing? I can see how that could get pretty annoying, all right.

We'll start a thread later on best TV shows.