The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102271   Message #2071919
Posted By: Bonecruncher
08-Jun-07 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Subject: RE: BS: How fast do you drive ?
In UK the advice in the Highway Code is to maintain maximum speed according to speed limits and road conditions. I.e. if the national speed limit is 60 then that should be your speed comensurate with road conditions, which obviously includes weather and lesser speed limits.
Unfortunately this, and many of the subtleties of driving (line of drive, with centrifugal and cenripetal forces were mentioned earlier) are rarely taught in the UK because they are not testable in the driving examination. It seems that instructors only teach subjects that will be tested.
Considering that medical practitioners must undergo compulsory Continuing Professional Development (CPM) to ensure that they are safe to practise on the public, should we not have similar for drivers, considering that they are handling a lethal weapon?
