The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102262   Message #2071982
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
09-Jun-07 - 03:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Love or fear: which is most expensive?
Subject: RE: BS: Love or fear: which is most expensive?
I can see exactly what 'Ebbies' outrage' would be, indeed, I had gathered a few choice comments myself - but for once Don, you're right. Some people do take it upon themselves to be the eternal victim. The mere fact that she remains in apparently close contact with the abusive ex-husband shows that. The security lights, motion detectors, removal of low hanging branches and the paranoia about taking photos of her suggests she has serious issues with a fear of stalking/attack - although why she should, when she actively invites her former attacker into her house, is beyond me.

I would suggest some form of mediation, someone in authority and seen to be so - a uniform cop or something... but unfortunately, we're geared towards protecting the victim. Because she has been the victim once and is apparently adept at acting so now, she will gain the sympathy of anyone who hears her story, whereas you are both victims here.

Hindsight being 20/20, you should have called the cops the first time the tree fellers stepped onto your property without your permission, contacted their firm, informed them of the law and sued for damages.

I think you have to take the bull firmly by the horns and file a police report. Get yourself a lawyer and make your side plain before he gets her version. Things will get worse before they get better so you need to protect yourself against reprisals. Have a motion detector light fitted to your porch so that if the ex wishes to use you as a urinal, he will be illuminated (a light to lighten the genitals). Have several throwaway cameras handy so that you can take photographic proof of misdemeanors on your property. Stand at your window and take a photo of the view - it should show just how exposed your view is - and reiterate that it was her cutting of the branches that made it thus. If you have a picture of the tree as it formerly was, that is useful, as it will indicate just how much more restricted the view was.

As far as I'm aware, even in the most restrictive of States, it's still not illegal to walk around in your own house nekkid, nor is that considered exposure to your own children. To be able to see you doing this, she is looking into your property, making her the offender.

Sometimes, perpetual victims are worse than bullies. Everyone likes to take the high road and put a bully down, but you're not allowed to be nasty to victims. But, like bullies, they need to be brought up short and made aware of how their actions affect others. Someone who goes into a situation with the intent to be the victim, will inevitably always become the victim. She's in a downward spiral of 'crying wolf' that will eventually lead to a sad, lonely life, hated by all but other victims. Sooner or later, she really will be attacked, beaten or robbed. Who will give her credence then?

Good luck with it.

Failing that, you've got a good case for that TV show 'Neighbours from Hell' to present!