The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102271   Message #2072187
Posted By: Mickey191
09-Jun-07 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Subject: RE: BS: How fast do you drive ?
My driving habits are to stay within the speed limits, not to hog the passing lane, NEVER tailgate and stay 5 or 6 car lengths behind the nearest car. Where I live there are quite a few hairpin turns on dirt roads. I always beep as I approach those turns-a few times I've gotten a thumbs up from the opposing driver. Which I construe as "your beep made me pull over." Think I've avoided a few fender benders that way. Never gotten a ticket or had an accident.

GMAC driving test site:

They state that Oregon has the best drivers-the worst is Rhode Island. (Although this wks. newspaper said NY has the worst)

20 million - 1/10th of U.S. drivers would fail a MV test. One in five drivers does not know that pedestrians have the right of way--even if the walker is jay walking. DUH??

And a huge percentage will drive if "they feel okay" after having drinks.