The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102322   Message #2072244
Posted By: GUEST,Texas Guest
09-Jun-07 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: How to handle criticism?
Subject: RE: How to handle criticism?
Well, I don't perform at clubs much anymore; seems that whatever "it" is that you're supposed to have, well - I don't have it. With that thought in mind, however, I do make a living singing at retirement homes and festivals (mostly Irish). I have always advised folks that you've got to be thick skinned to do music (or any performance art) for a living; and, you will have those who admire your work, but everyone is not going to appreciate you; some will be totally indifferent towards you, and some will find what you do to be absolutely distasteful - and you have to tolerate all of those opinions with the self-satisfaction that your ship is sailing, regardless. Cheers.