The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102271   Message #2072262
Posted By: Mrs.Duck
09-Jun-07 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Subject: RE: BS: How fast do you drive ?
I hav e only evr been caught speeding and that was at 37mph on a country road. I had driven through a village below 30mph but as I left on what an open straight road out of the same village there was a flash from within the hedgerow and I was caught on camera. I was given the chioce of 3 points and a fine or pay £50 and attend a speed seminar. This involved being locked in a room with other offenders and subjected to an emotive stream of videos, photos and testimonials from people who had tragically lost friends and family in speed related accidents. The seminar option was only given to anyone within 10mph over the limit and yet all the reports related to drivers doing speeds of up to 120mph or 60mph near a school etc. At the end we were asked had we got a different view of speed now and I had to say 'no' as although I was legally over the speed limit I was still driving responsibly. When I am in a built up area where children are around I rarely go over 20mph but we have noticed reduced speed limits are stretching further and further out of villages and country roads are now often 50mph or 40 mph where they used to be 60mph. In general I keep farely close to the limit. As Geoff is now training to be a driving instructor he has become more aware of his speed and keeps just below the limit wherever we go which seems to upset quite a lot of other drivers!