The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102252   Message #2072276
Posted By: Mooh
09-Jun-07 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: Woody guitar thick trebles expensive
Subject: RE: Woody guitar thick trebles expensive
Willie-O...Regarding the B25 Gibson, that's exactly what I was thinking as I read down the thread! I regret dealing mine (or regret needing the Kraft Dinner or whatever I sold it for at the time). Since then I've had a small body mahogany and spruce guitar made by Josh House ( which has similar characteristics, intentionally, though maybe not quite as much thump without "bluegrass" strings.

"Woodiness" can be a function of strings, nut, saddle, pins, even set-up on certain guitars, so it pays to experiment.

I agree with Guest too, Ted Thompson guitars have it, and I've played a few which excelled in every other way too.

Peace, Mooh.