The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78352   Message #2072334
Posted By: Crane Driver
09-Jun-07 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terry Prattchet and folkies
Subject: RE: BS: Terry Prattchet and folkies
'The Hogfather' was made into a live action TV series for Sky over Christmas 2006. I didn't see it as we don't have Sky. It's now out on video, but I haven't got it yet. Stars David Jason as Albert.

And yes, I've got most of the books. Hogfather is a great one for parodying folklore, mythology and all the 'Golden Bough' stuff.

And Vimes has returned in 'Thud!' which tells the true story of the battle of Koom Valley, where the Dwarves and Trolls were supposed to have ambushed each other.
