The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102322   Message #2072339
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
09-Jun-07 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: How to handle criticism?
Subject: RE: How to handle criticism?
I like the idea of storytelling - and I've heard some good ones in my time. In my opinion one of the greatest storytellers of all time was Bert Lloyd. His stories were humorous and sly . He could hint at outrageous sexual behaviour and unfathomable mysteries all in the same story. Above all his stories were for adults - not children - and he was never, ever, patronising.

I've also heard some really bad storytwellers as well. I vividly remember a folk evening in a country pub. The evening started well, with some good singing. Then this bloody woman got up and started telling a story. It was long and boring and rather pointles and went on and on and on and on and ... Not only that but her delivery was arch, pretentious and patronising and there were lots of silly hand movements (you know, if she mentioned 'heads' she touched her head, if she mentioned 'wings' the silly flapped her f..king arms, etc., etc. etc.).

I'm sure you're a great storyteller but, perhaps, your critic been traumatised by being subjected to too many silly prats like the woman in the pub (?)