The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102271   Message #2072378
Posted By: TRUBRIT
09-Jun-07 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Subject: RE: BS: How fast do you drive ?
I drive too fast. I know I do.....I have a lovely powerful car and I am out and about all the time in my job--on the highways I have found myself doing 90 which is just too fast but you don't 'feel' it in my car. I try not to go over 80 now ever and make a point not to be the fastest on the road......I don't want a speeding ticket. I think it is partly to do with getting my license later in life (late 20s) and the sheer absolute pleasure it gives me having a vehicle and going where I want to go without being beholden to anyone.

Having said that I have never had a speeding ticket. I was stopped once and it was a comedy of errors. I was driving my husband's car, didn't know where the registration was, my insurance card was expired and the car needed an inspection. I thought I would be fined about $5M -- the cop told me to be more careful next time and did not give me a ticket (and no, I do not look like Paris Hilton so that wasn't the reason...........I think he realized how totally embarrassed and mortified I was by the incident and felt I probably would be a hell of a lot more careful in future).