The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78352   Message #2072608
Posted By: George Papavgeris
09-Jun-07 - 11:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terry Prattchet and folkies
Subject: RE: BS: Terry Prattchet and folkies
In 1994 my (then) 12-year old son introduced me to the first Pratchett books I read (the Diggers etc trilogy, followed I think by Wyrd Sisters). He borrowed them from the school library - the British School in the Hague was very progressive! Needless to say, I was immediately hooked, as was the whole family, and we (all four) have read each and every one of his books. I just finished Wintersmith.

The man is pure genius, and I particularly love the way so many of his jokes work on two levels: one for the kids, and one for adults. I'd be hard pushed to tell you which is my level, I think one of the reason I love him is that he made it OK for me to be a kid again!

Like Jeri, my favourite book is the last one I read, though "Good Omens" does have a rather special place in my heart, and indeed I have used one of Terry's expressions there in one of the newer songs ("The thing about pollution is, the sunsets are so beautiful!"). And Mort, too. And - crivens! - I mustn't forget the Wee Free Men.

I had guessed he was a closet folkie - there is warmth in his digs at folk music and Morris. On the cover of Wintersmith he relates how, during a book signing, a bunch of guys turned up all dressed in black, with no bells and no music, and silently and solemnly danced the Dark Morris in front of his signing table!

Pratchet has affected (infected ?) our family vocabulary to a disturbing degree. Our suicidal pet tortoise in Greece was Om, of course, our daughter is an expert in headology, we all love things onna stick (bless you, CMOT!), and we love troll psychology (perpetrated with something big and heavy over the head).

At the day job I am a little like Lord Vetinari (I am by nature manipulative), though I try to be more like Sam Vimes. At home I try to be like Sam Vimes again, but Vanessa says I am more like the Librarian - especially first thing in the morning! And if truth be told, most of the time I feel that I am too much like Detritus for my own liking.