The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102333   Message #2072637
Posted By: open mike
10-Jun-07 - 01:12 AM
Thread Name: Laurel's Radio Show June 10 Cowboy Music -Update
Subject: Laurel's Radio Show June 10 Cowboy Music
Laurel's (Open Mike's) Radio Show June 10, 2007 Cowboy Music Featured

My radio show tomorrow will be a memorial to Laura Ellen Hopper, who
passed away recently. She has been in the fore front of radio programming for many years, helping to start a couple of progressive stations in California. KFAT and KPIG. She also was the host of a program on KPIG as well as owner/operator/manager of a web site that streams cowboy music all day and night.
Cowboy Cultural Society

I will feature cowboy music on my show tomorrow in Laura Ellen's memory.

My show is the Crossroads Show and airs on KRBS from 1-3 p.m. pacific time on the second sunday of each month. The stream can be reached by
going to the radio station's home page and following the link.
KRBS--Radio Bird Street