The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102271   Message #2072701
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
10-Jun-07 - 04:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Subject: RE: BS: How fast do you drive ?
My pet peeves - people who say they're alright to drive after a couple of pints of beer. I'd rather go sober and drive home than rely on that twisted thinking. It was that twisted thinking that killed my brother in 1974. Driver was over the limit but got off with a fine - didn't lose his licence because he was a taxi driver and pleaded he'd lose his income. He didn't fare so well the second time he killed someone with his car.

And the other peeve - people who insist on pulling into the 3-4 second gap I leave between me and the vehicle in front. It's there for a reason, and the reason is NOT so some inconsiderate bastard can pull into it!

Llanfair - I too, slow down for tailgaters if safe to do so - a gentle millisecond tap on the brakes to show the lights is usually enough... if there is space in the inside lane I'll cross back in, but only at my speed and when I feel safe to do so, not because some speeding git in a willy-mobile or a 4X4 Intimidator thinks I should.