The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78352   Message #2072735
Posted By: Green Man
10-Jun-07 - 06:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Terry Prattchet and folkies
Subject: RE: BS: Terry Prattchet and folkies
As an ex murris mon I loved the idea of the Ank Morporkh Ninja morris men who could decapitate you with a flick of a stiffened hanky.

Also the idea that the stick and bucket dance, danced in a stone circle in the presence of a WOMAN could open a portal so that the cruel lords and ladies could enter our (his) world.

Yes I am a fan and would highly recommend looking at the wrld through pratchet goggles. I do and you are all funny. !! Ha Ha Ha

(Green Man rolls about clutching his sides then looks in the mirror and bursts into even greater paroxysms)

The beauty of his characterisations is that I know some of those people, maybe not with the same names but definitly with the same quirks.