The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102271   Message #2072946
Posted By: Captain Ginger
10-Jun-07 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Subject: RE: BS: How fast do you drive ?
To say or imply that no-one is allowed to overtake a Landrover is just a bit silly.
Couldn't agree more. Sensible overtaking is what keeps the highways from sclerosis. However, I don't think any poster here has been daft enough to suggest that any vehicle should never be overtaken.
The "everyone does it, so I have to" argument is plain childish - it carries all the conviction of standing there surrounded by shards of broken glass and saying with a quivering lip "some big boy did it and ran away." Unless some strange process of induction is at work, there is nothing to stop any vehicle from sticking to the speed limit. I very much doubt that anyone is going to try to ram you at 65mph. Certainly no-one's ever rammed me, cut me up or pulled a gun on me for my flagrant adherence to the limits. But maybe I just look too cute and cuddly to threaten.