The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102271   Message #2073233
Posted By: Rapparee
10-Jun-07 - 07:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Subject: RE: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Even when I AM the only car for as far as I can see, before and behind, on a good, straight stretch of well-maintained road, I keep the cruise set as I've noted. Kendall is correct: things happen. Tires blow out, for instance.

I was once driving 60 mph and the hood latch let go. Suddenly I was doing a mile a minute and the entire windshield was covered with white-painted steel. Fortunately, it was a straight road with very little traffic and I could stick my head out the window and brake down, then pull well off the road. I even had some wire in the car with which to wire down the hood until I could get home.

I've driven 125 mph. On a track. With a cop next to me. I know I could do it, but just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Moreover, as I get older I find myself taking fewer and fewer chances. Whether it's maturity or what, but I've got a lot to see and do before I die.

True story: we were just outside Pinedale, Wyoming when we came upon the emergency vehicles and a three-car wreck. From the skid marks on the pavement I'd guess that speed greatly in excess of the limit, and possibly alcohol, was involved. But what got me was the gurney with the sheet-covered mass on it and the little girl (four years old?) standing by the adult, eyes wide with fear and lack of understanding, holding an adult's hand for all she was worth. And then we were past and there was nothing more except three ambulances, three cops, and a wrecker headed back the way we'd came....