The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102271   Message #2073385
Posted By: CarolC
11-Jun-07 - 03:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Subject: RE: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Catty Carol, I didn't say I drove at 100mph. I said that on a clear road in modern machinery 100 mph wasn't dangerous.

I don't think it was catty at all. You stated that most speed limits are "irrationally low". You have, as far as I can tell, been advocating in this thread to have the speed limit changed to 100 mph on motorways. You show a lack of sensitivity to other drivers if you expect all of them to be able to drive as fast as you would like to drive yourself. Many people cannot do this safely, and your only advice, based on your comments earlier in this thread, would be for them to not drive. Such lack of consideration for others usually is not confined to just one specific item, but is usually a part of a broader pattern of behavior.

The consideration you owe me is, once you have finished your overtaking manoeuvre, and once it is safe for you to do so, to pull back in.   

The interface between these two things is observation and awareness of other road users. Mirror-signal-manoeuvre. If your manoeuvre is going to affect another road user you should be aware of that before you start it, and if your manouevre is going to cause another road user to alter course or brake, you should not start the manoeuvre - but if you have right of way the other user should alter course or brake to permit you your right of way.

You won't get any argument from me on these points.

As in so much of life, your "right" to do one thing may affect the "right" of another to do something else

Yes. Precisely. Your right to drive and my right to drive are equal. You do not have a "right" to drive fast. You do not have a right to make the roads unusable for a large segment of the driving public just because you want to go fast.