The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102271   Message #2073925
Posted By: Peace
11-Jun-07 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Subject: RE: BS: How fast do you drive ?
The problem with high speeds is that when shit happens it happens faster. Some years back I spoke with a guy who'd lost control of the vehicle resulting in the death of the passenger and some seriously bad injuries to himself. He hit a patch of ice and his car spun out. It rolled twice and stopped by hitting a large tree--the only large tree for about fifty feet in any direction. He was asking after his friend. I'd just put a blanket over his friend. We don't inform people that others have died, not on the scene. He was told at the hospital. I think he'll carry that with him for the rest of his life. Shit always happens to the other guy, until it happens to you. And when it does, there is no rerun. He was doing the speed limit, btw. Had he been doing 50 mph instead of 65 mph I doubt that his friend--who'd been thrown from the vehicle even though wearing a seatbelt--would have died. And I doubt they have rolled the car twice, and I doubt they'd have hit the tree. But then he was a young man, and the girl he was going to marry was the friend that died. Yep, shit always happens to someone else, until it happens to you, and "I'm sorry" and "Please let me take it back, God" don't change a damned thing.