The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102271   Message #2073994
Posted By: Captain Ginger
11-Jun-07 - 04:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Subject: RE: BS: How fast do you drive ?
Well said, Peace.
Of course, some people are just so important and technically gifted as drivers that they're immune from the laws of cause and effect that fill the zip-up bags with which you have to deal. Lucky them, eh? ;-)
Trouble is, what worries me about the "70's too slow, so I'll drive at 90" brigade is that poor innocent sods get caught up in their carnage. I remember vividly seeing a scene where a car that was so new that it's underside was still shiny had ploughed into some chugging seven-year-itch wagon and killed the occupants of both after a tyre had burst. The seven-year-itch brigade, with their middle-of-the-road approach, probably never gave a thought to the risk they were at until Mr Self-Important Local Authority Panjandrum With His New Office Car simply lost it when the tyre went pop, crossed the central reservation of the A12 and wiped them from the record.
I have to admit that, until I was taught what to do with a blow-out at motorway speed (and had to deal with it under umpteen controlled conditions as if I was on an East-German autobahn - Gawd bless HMG's boundless generosity), I probably would have added to the stats. Driving at speed in any vehicle demands total concentration and a fair degree of skill in reserve in case sh!t happens.