The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85251   Message #2074415
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
12-Jun-07 - 02:11 AM
Thread Name: Why are Martin Guitars so expensive?
Subject: RE: Why are Martin Guitars so expensive?
I hope you enjoy your Martin, Marco - best wishes. Whatever you do - now that you've paid for it, don't make the mistake I did. Persist with it. Get a good luthier to look at it straightaway, and sort out any minor problems that he can see with a good set up.

My Martin D35 would never stay in tune for long - I realise now that it was probably the holes in the bridge which were too tight, or the nut that was cut wrongly. Something really trivial that could easily be sorted out. In my naivety, I thought if I paid a lot for a guitar it would be perfect from the word go.