The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101817   Message #2074674
Posted By: skipy
12-Jun-07 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: 42 days to no smoking (UK)
Subject: RE: 42 days to no smoking (UK)
The results for USA, Canada, Ireland & Scotland are out there for you to read, IT WILL be the same here!
I am not up for an arguement on this, so lets wait & see.
Just remember when affects YOU & it will, to mumble to yourself "that little shit Skipy was right".
Before you ask how can it affect me, I am a non smoker! It will cause the closure of pubs, clubs and assorted venues where music is played. It will change the attitude of Landlords causing rooms that where used for singing once a week / month to take on other full time usages in an attempt to get more trade to replace the smokers.
I know one pub where that has happened already. I fear for one of the 2 pubs in my village, I don't think that I will have a singaround venue for my festival in 2008. The pub in question is the only place in my village where the Morris can dance which, they currently do 4 times a year, followed by a music session.
I am friendly with another Landlord in another village, nearby, who is spending every spare minute in the day setting up an ebay company as he KNOWS he will not survive it. There is a singaround there once a month + 4 morris visits a year followed by music. His is the only pub in his village!
That's just the effect on 2 villages!