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Thread #102194   Message #2075072
Posted By: GUEST,petr
12-Jun-07 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poland & Czech Rep. #1 targets now.
Subject: RE: BS: Poland & Czech Rep. #1 targets now.
one only has to think this through for a minute..
right, the Iranians are going to launch a surprise first strike on EUROPE? knowing full well they are going to get annihilated shortly thereafter..
with missiles they dont yet have anyway - and which are going to be shot down with US BMD missiles which mostly miss anyway (or dont launch).

If the Iranians are developing nuclear weapons- it is primarily to deter from a US attack (Seems thats the lesson that they and the Dear Leader from North Korea learned after the US' Iraq adventure.)

But you have to admit that it was a clever move by Putin - if Iran really did have nuclear weapons and long range ballistic missiles and the US really did have BMD technology that works then access to a Russian radar in the mountains north of Iran would be ideal.
(Well, Bush said lets have our experts look at it) and thats probably where it will stay, and Putin gets to show that the new US bases are not about defending from Iranian missiles.