The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102439   Message #2075663
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
13-Jun-07 - 08:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: How are the wabes where you live?
Subject: BS: How are the wabes where you live?
Like most folks, I experience an occasional desire to do a bit of gyring and gimbling. But when the urge to gyre and gimble strikes, I have to get in the car and drive for an hour to the nearest wabe. Then, when I finally get there, it's usually so crowded with slithy toves that I wonder why I bothered. It's a small wabe, and pretty trashed out by all the gyrers and gimblers who can't be bothered to clean up after themselves. There's a big pile of rusty vorpal swords under the Tumtum tree. It's so depressing that even the borogoves aren't usually very mimsy. Heck, the last time I was there I didn't even see a mome rath, much less one that was actually outgrabing.

Is this just a local phenomenon, or are wabes on the decline everywhere? How far do you have to go when you get the urge to gyre and gimble? I hear that wabes are so common in some areas that unsuspected people fall into them and are unable to start gyring and gimbling quickly enough to get out. What's it like where you live?