The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102279   Message #2075990
Posted By: Don Firth
13-Jun-07 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Worst TV shows ever?
Subject: RE: BS: Worst TV shows ever?
Elizabeth George, who writes the novels upon which "The Inspector Linley Mysteries" are based, is following a time-honored pattern established in classic detective fiction. The main character—the detective—is not just any old detective. He (or she) has some specific personal characteristics that set them apart from most people—just like most people are unique when compared to other people.

Sherlock Holmes – brilliant but troubled mind that needs puzzles to solve, plays the violin, is addicted to cocaine.

Philo Vance – another brilliant mind, knows everything, can carry on a three-page dissertation on Egyptian scarabs or nuclear physics, independently wealthy.

Nero Wolfe – obese, never leaves his house, tends his orchids. Archie Goodwin does his "legwork," reports back, Wolfe figures out what what's really going on.

And these are only three of a whole host of fictional detectives. There are dozens. Hundreds. And you will not that none of these need to be detectives.

wld, you may not "be farting about with dead bodies if I were a wealthy aristocrat," but Thomas Linley, given his attitudes and predilections, and especially his values and his rather fierce sense of justice, would.

Works for me. . . .

Don Firth