The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102462 Message #2076303
Posted By: GUEST,old moose
13-Jun-07 - 08:40 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'A handsome man stepped under the transom
Subject: A handsome man stepped under the transom
my mother in law , today, while discussing somw old songs, mentioned ,and recited a part of a old timey thing, as follows--"The barman said to the lady in red "You can't stay here." when a handsome man stepped under the transom and these were the words he said, "Remember your mother and sisters sir and let the lady sleep under the bar". That's all she could rememnber. But when I was a small lad, seventy years or so ago. my mo5her and father used to sing the song about the handsome man walking under the transom and that's all my memory can dredge up. Can anybody, from anywhere come upwith the rest of it? I would be much obliged old moose