The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102433   Message #2076364
Posted By: Rapparee
13-Jun-07 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: How fast do you derive?
Subject: RE: BS: How fast do you derive?
Once upon a midnight dreary,
As I pondered weak and weary,
O'er many a quaint and etale sort of cohomology,
While inducing representations,
I was led to deformations,
And the ramifications of modular forms in characteristic p.
So I struggled to break free.

Ah, discreetly I conjectured,
to myself alone I lectured,
As the virile bust of Fermat wrought its ghost upon my floor,
Suddenly there came an insight,
that these flat group schemes were finite
And I represented functors never dreamed about before.
Then my soul began to soar.

"Taniyama!" I then shouted,
As the logic from me spouted,
"It all comes down to looking at the prime l equals 3!"
Modularity is the conclusion,
And the Frey curve an illusion,
So Fermat's equation cannot have nontrivial roots in Z!
Quoth the raven, "Q.E.D".