The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101817   Message #2076618
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
14-Jun-07 - 06:49 AM
Thread Name: 42 days to no smoking (UK)
Subject: RE: 42 days to no smoking (UK)
Sorry, Skipy - You have lost me again:-(

The smoking ban is responsible for you not giving up even though you have had years to give up prior to the smoking ban.

The smoking ban is responsible for pubs closing even though pubs have been closing at a rate of 50 a month for years.

The smoking ban has been introduced to ensure that pubs will close for property redevolpment even though our countryside and town centres have been being gutted for years.

The smoking ban is to make money for the government out of property development even though the revenue from the tobacco industry has always outweighed any taxes raised on property.

I am not getting at you, honest, but can you not see that you seem to be putting an awful lot at the door of the ban? Even though it is not a ban at all. I am sure this is not the case but what is coming across is that you have decided that the so called ban will cause no end of problems whereas the major problem it is causing is nothing but a very slight restriction of your anti-social habit.

Only an observation and only my opinion of course and I agree wholeheartedly about errosion of freedoms. But why should your freedom to smoke where you like remove my freedom to go into pubs and clubs without breathing your poisonous waste products?

