The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102466   Message #2077277
Posted By: BanjoRay
14-Jun-07 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Sheep counting systems in N America?
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sheep counting systems in N America?
The article given in Peace's link mentions American occurrences of the sheep counting language:

Scores have even been found in a number of places in U.S.A.

[Cincinnati] een, teen, tother, feather, fib, soter, oter, poter, debber, dick

[Vermont] eeni, teni, tudheri, fedheri, fip, saidher, taidher, koadher, daidher, dik

These were probably taken to the new world by Cumbrian settlers !!

The same article gives a good indication of the Welsh or Cumbric origin of the words.
