The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102466   Message #2077326
Posted By: katlaughing
14-Jun-07 - 07:23 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Sheep counting systems in N America?
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sheep counting systems in N America?
LOL, Q! Yer right she doesn't know the WY or west that your antecedents of mine knew, as well as what we knew growing up. And, it wasn't that I didn't like her characters, I hated her writing style and I thought it was NOT authentic esp. in her characterisation of gays of that time, cowboys or not.

Can't wait to see what you turn up. There was a WY family direct from Scotland I could've asked a few years ago, but the old folks are all gone now and the kids don't much care.

Herga Kitty! You need to watch some old Westerns, girl!**bg** The cattle and sheep men were always at it, as they were in real life. If ya heard old cowmen like my dad, they'd tell you the sheep ruined the range.