The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102453   Message #2077702
Posted By: GUEST,Chris - Four 'n' Aft
15-Jun-07 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: Demise of maritime festivals
Subject: RE: Demise of maritime festivals
As Helen has already said, we will be there from 7:30 this evening. Apart from the scheduled spots we have been given, our brief for Saturday and Sunday daytime is to choose our own places to sing, i.e. on the dockside, on the ships, by the bar!!, etc. We have worked this way before at the Gt Yarmouth Maritime festival and it's a great way to get the shanties and maritime songs out to people who would not normally go into a concert or pub situation to listen and it always draws a good crowd. I know the weather's not brilliant but it would be good to see some of you up there. We could share umbrellas!!