The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102466 Message #2077752
Posted By: JohnInKansas
15-Jun-07 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Sheep counting systems in N America?
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sheep counting systems in N America?
While by no means folklore or legend, in the late 50s my dad had an employee who normally ran a punch press stamping out "form ties" for concrete foundation forms.
One day when we ran out of 16 Ga strips to run through the press he asked her to count out the parts she'd run so they could be strapped into bunches of 100 for shipping, and learned that she couldn't count - at all.
Well - one tie for each of her five kids, plus one for each parent made a small pile of 7 ties.
One pile for each of her five kids plus one pile for each parent made a clump of 49.
Add one clump for ma, and one for pa, plus one tie for ma and one for pa made 100.
No mistakes in about 50 bundles (checked by weight - as we always did regardless of who counted them).
Other than the inconvenience of having to pay her cash, because she also couldn't write her own name to cash a check, she was one of the most reliable workers he ever had at the shop - for about 8 years.
(No lack of intelligence - just an Arky from the hills where there was no schoolin' for her generation.)