The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102569   Message #2079410
Posted By: Rog Peek
17-Jun-07 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: Phil Ochs and George W. Bush
Subject: RE: Phil Ochs and George W. Bush
Many of Phil's songs would fit as well today as when he wrote them:

Cops of the World
I Ain't Marching Anymore
The War is Over
Here's to the State of Richard Nixon (Subs. GWya)
Are a few suggestions.

I have a recording of SNCC Freedom Singers Matthew and Marshall Brown singing:
'Nato's Bombing in a Balkan Land', their adaptation of 'White Boots Marching in a Yellow Land'

I'm sure another adaptation could be written for the latest debacle.

Phil Ochs lives on!