The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102644   Message #2082239
Posted By: Scoville
20-Jun-07 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Biscuits(cookies): Nature's Wonder Food
Subject: RE: BS: Biscuits(cookies): Nature's Wonder Food
Fig Newtons. Man, do I love Fig Newtons.

And I've got a recipe somewhere for corn-meal cookies, which sounds like a horrible idea (cookies . . . made from corn meal) but they are addictive.

I always liked spice cookies. My grandmother gave me a recipe for sally-anns but the marshmallow-glaze icing doesn't work in the humidity here (the cookie part is great). And I've got her family recipe for Moravian molasses cookies but they have to be rolled so thin that we hardly ever make them. TOo much work.