The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102473   Message #2082954
Posted By: GUEST,mary de ville
21-Jun-07 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: Peak/Carsington Festival. Anyone go?
Subject: RE: Peak/Carsington Festival. Anyone go?
I ran the sessions in the courtyard both afternoons and had a great time listening to the extremely high standard of performance.   I'd like to thank eveeryone who took part.
Apparently, a number of people have spoken to the Severn Trent management with positive comments who then came back to me expressing interest in doing something similar on a monthly basis throughout the summer. I have agreed in principle and am now waiting on their next move.
I'm so sorry there's a possibility that there won't be a Festival of the Peak next year as Mick has done such a great job over the years and it has become an annual institution